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Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.

Contact Info:
4201 Northview Drive, Suite 101
Bowie, Maryland 20716
Direct: 301-805-5211
#800: 800-999-5853

George Darrin Patterson, an agent of RE/MAX ONE in Bowie, Maryland, has successfully marketed and sold real estate in Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia since 1992. George’s additional experience in finance and construction creates his broad understanding of all facets of the real estate industry.

  A lifelong resident of the Washington, DC Metroplex, George’s cumulative knowledge of property and community values throughout the region enables him to provide his clients with timely and accurate feedback as well as expert guidance.

  George’s innovative Internet marketing approach, combined with his personal network of agents, builders and developers, gives George’s clients the edge in a highly competitive marketplace. Though the vast majority of George’s business is from repeat customers and referrals, he always manages to make time for a new client.

For exceptional real estate service from a knowledgeable, well-connected and results-oriented professional, please contact George.


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